Monday, October 31, 2011
4 Days, 1 Hr, 19 Min :)
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
36 Weeks, 5 Days, 24 Days Left
YAY- So, yesterday was a full day- two dr appointments.
First, we had our last ultrasound with Dr. Helm. Jack is basically out of room LOL…sad for both him and I…he’s cramped and I’m hurting from his strong movements. Their guess-estimate for his weight is 7lbs, 1 oz. The ultrasound was a little painful for me because of the PUPPPS rash that I still have…with that and the stretchmarks, my skin is super sensitive so the goo they use for the machine kind of burned the entire time! And these aren’t normal ultrasounds…they take like 30 minutes. But, it was the last one, so it’s over with J
Our second appointment, we finally got to meet the doctor who will delivery Jack. I love this new office that I’m going to now…Fresno Women’s Medical Group…They are really nice and really listen to what you have to say- concerns and all. My doctor looked over my chart before meeting with me, asked me about the surgeries I’ve had and my past and examined my range of motion that I have now with the hip replacement and determined that a c-section would be her recommendation…which is excellent for me because that’s what I want. If she would have done the same routine and recommended a natural birth, I would be scared to death, but would have accepted it because, unlike the other doctor I had, this woman LISTENED to me and really looked at all aspects of my body- that means so much to me as a patient.
Anyways, Jack will be here on November 4 J My surgery is at 11am…so Jim and I have to be there at 9. It is another surgery, but I really don’t care about that…I really think the surgery will be less nerve-racking than the thought of my hip being damaged or having any other kind of complications that will put me in recovery even longer than a c-section.
One downside to yesterday was that since I am having the c-section and I’m pregnant, my chances for a blood clot go up even more, so I DO have to go on the Lovonox injections in my stomach L It’ll only be once a day for ten days…but I guess I have to compromise somewhere, right? I’m going into the office tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon before our baby class to get a small “tutorial” of how to give myself the injection…I’ve had Lovonox before when I got a blood clot after my hip replacement, but I didn’t give the injections to myself…I barely even looked at the needle…I had my mom do it for me. Jim said he could probably help me out but I do want to know how to do it myself in case I need to. Just the fact that I have to stick a needle into my stomach…with jack there…freaks me out so much L But, again, if it was dangerous for baby, I know the doctor wouldn’t allow it…so it should be OK. I just have to get over the fear and do it.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
34 Weeks, 6 Days, 37 Days left!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Trying to Stay Strong....
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
32 Weeks, 4 Days, 53 Days Left
So I am really up and down today...actually, the only time I was really "up" was when I had my to see Jack :)
Sunday, September 18, 2011
32 Weeks, 2 Days, 55 Days Left- Second Scare
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
31 Weeks, 5 Days, 59 Days left
Friday, August 19, 2011
27 weeks, 7 days, 85 days left!
I had my 27 week check-up on Wednesday…went way better than I had planned. I still have the same doctor and have decided to stick with it rather than changing during my third trimester. I talked to her during this last appointment and insisted that the c-section is the best thing for me, mentally and physically. Jim and I talked to his cousin who is an orthopedic surgeon…he agreed 100%. And, I feel if prissy rich women can choose this alternative to avoid the pain of pregnancy, then I should be able to choose it just for the sake of avoiding all the risks that are involved.
So, aside from that, baby Jack is growing and kicking like crazy. I have crazy nicknames for him when he kicks too much or too hard- beast, alien baby, psycho lol. I’m sure he likes it lol. He does have his sweet moments though—like when it’s just us two—im lounging on the couch, slouched, my belly protruding upward. He’ll push outward along my belly button, then I’ll run my hand along it and he’ll do it again—and we’ll take turns doing this as if it’s some kind of blind game. I can’t see him, he can’t see me. We can only feel the love between us. It makes me tear up sometimes.
I’m in my 3rd trimester now so that means I have doctor appointments every two weeks now…plus, I’m still seeing the specialist for ultrasounds to see how he’s growing…which I have another appointment Tuesday. I’m kinda hoping those stay at monthly appointments but we’ll see! J
Saturday, July 23, 2011
24 weeks
Hey everyone,
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
20 Weeks, 4 Days, 137 Days Left
SO, I haven't written in awhile. A lot has been going on...we found out IT'S A BOY!! His name is going to be Jack David Smith. :)
We had a little bit of a scare my last doctor second prenatal blood test results came back and one of the results was positive for a neural tube defect. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's basically if there is something wrong with the spine, stomach or abdomen- like if there's a whole or something- the most common type of birth defect for this defect is Spina Bifida. All my doctor would tell us (last Thursday 6/23) was that we were at risk for the baby having a defect like this and that she made us an appointment with a specialist. Well that, of course, scared me to death.
We went to see this specialist this morning and it definitely wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! We got a complete ultrasound of every aspect of his body- measuring everything from my ovaries to each valve of his heart! It was really neat-- probably took a good 45 minutes! We then had to see a genetic counselor and she was really great. She said that the max of the AFP test is 25.0 and that would be where you wouldn't be at risk for the neural tube blood test showed a 25.2~! This is fantastic news-- so it's more likely just a fluke and nothings wrong with baby. Everything on the ultrasound looked good and it's such a low number that we basically don't have anything to worry about. :) YAYS!!!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
2 Years
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
13 weeks, Day 4, 186 days left
Before I start on the news from the weekend, I have fantastical, wonderful, exciting news! I felt the baby move for the first time! IT was absolutely amazing…but weird. J It felt like a little flutter but it was a strong flutter—if that makes any sense. I was talking to my friend Ashley here and she gave me a suggestion- to push where I had felt the “kick” and I should be able to feel it move- like a ripple almost- a wave. So, last night, Jim and I tried that- and we felt it!! IT was amazing and shocking! I’m used to feeling it on other pregnant women’s bellies, but this is my first pregnancy- it was really weird…basically indescribable.
Baby Daddy:
So…this weekend, I went to a Fresno Grizzlies baseball game with Jim’s mom. We talked a lot but one thing that did come up was parenthood…for obvious reasons. I told her I was 100% confident Jim will be an excellent dad. Sure, I’ve seen him with other kids and how reacts and such, but I think the number one thing that made me so sure was how he is with Roxy- our vizsla/lab mix. Roxy is part of our family and we consider her our daughter. Dogs are a lot like kids—they need to be fed and taught but they also need love, support and care. When they don’t feel good, they want to be cuddled just like a sick child. Jim is amazing with Roxy and, to me that reflects a lot on how he will be to his own daughter or son.
I’m in my second trimester now! And just as the baby book I read predicted, the nauseas has decreased a ton! It’s still there every now and then so I have to continue the medication about every other day, but I love it. On the downside, I do feel more tired lately- even if I haven’t done a whole lot that day, by one or two in the evening, I’m just exhausted. Oh! I finally gained weight! I am not fluctuating between 131-132…so I’ve gained about 2-3 pounds J Yays.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Week 12, Day 3
Friday, April 22, 2011
Week 9, Day 5
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Week 10, Day 5, 206 Days Left
The bump:
Well, the belly seems bigger everyday but I’m sure that’s my imagination- possibly- who knows. I haven’t actually started measuring it and I’m not sure that’s something I even want to do yet.
Usually weight is a touchy subject for women but when you’re pregnant, who cares, right? Well, I think before I got prego, I was around 129, 130…I’ll admit it. J Since then, the past 6-7 weeks, my weight has fluctuated a bit but it always seems to return to 129, which I’m happy about because I don’t want to gain too much during the first trimester. I heard it’s best if you don’t.
Pregnancy in Heels:
Does anyone else watch this show?? I absolutely love it- it’s entertaining and makes me really glad I’m not as superficial as some of these women on this show. (It’s on Tuesday nights on Bravo if you’re interested). Anyways, there was this woman on last night’s episode who (supposedly) weighted around 100 lbs before she got pregnant and at the time of the show, she was in her ninth month and she weighed 180 lbs!!!! That means she gained 80 lbs during her pregnancy! And, she’s not really tall, she’s probably my height- around 5’2”, if not shorter, which means she should have only gained between 25-30 pounds, not 80. How does this happen? She was in total junk-food-crazy denial! Even though I’ve been occasionally craving those yummy fluffy white mini marshmallows, this will NOT HAPPEN TO ME!!! J