Saturday, July 23, 2011

24 weeks

Hey everyone,
this update is a little later than I suppose I promised on facebook...but I haven't really felt motivated. It's 6 am and I can't sleep....again. I heard and read that pregnancy insomnia is common, so I'm not necessarily worried about it. I think I won't get worried unless it continues into August because on the 9th I start my externship, basically a full-time job without pay...bummer! lol.
Anyways!! Back to Jack....
I had another appointment with my baby doctor this last Wednesday, July 20. I was 23 weeks and I FINALLY met my doctor. She seems nice enough but she completely dismissed what I wanted to talk to her about- my concerns with delivery. I wanted more reassurance and interaction than what I received. I honestly think I should have a c-section and whether it's out of fear of my hip dislocating or whatnot, I think it's legit. But, once I brought the subject up, all she had to say was: Oh, your hips have nothing to do with your delivery, your hip will be fine.
The end.
OK...well, how come everyone I know says your hips move and they spread out and whatnot? I'm so very confused what to do here because I don't want to change doctors but I feel it is definitely necessary, Jim wants to change also. We both feel like I'm just a number there-- they didn't even have in my chart that I'd had my hip replaced! It's a joke.
All drama aside, baby Jack is doing well...heartbeat was at 150, which I guess is good.
He's definitely moving a lot more lately! I absolutely love it- can't get enough of it. I'm sure all you other mommy's felt the same? I think it's the only part of pregnancy that I do enjoy...everything else sucks and I hate it lol. BUT, I do know that the end result will be more rewarding than what my body and emotions are having to go through. :)


  1. Hey girl, hang in there! I agree that you need to seriously consider getting a new Doctor. And yeah, isnt it great to feel him moving around in there.., that was def my fav part of being prego! you know me... I cried the first time i heard her heartbeat. SUCH AN AMAZING MIRACLE ! ! ! But yeah, I would start looking for another doctor... consider a midwife... even if you want a c-section you can work with a midwife too and you really get that interaction and personal care you are looking for. We were blessed to find a really good doctor, but I went to a special women's and children's place. Love you girl! hope everything continues to go well for you and Baby Jack!

  2. Hey cousin! I am so glad to hear baby Jack is happy and energetic! I think Jim and you are right about changing doctors! That is horrible they didn't even have your hip replacement in your chart. I have had my share of that cattle call feeling when visiting with doctors. I refuse to give those types of doctors the business. If you were living here I could have given you a referral to a wonderful doctor. Best of luck with finding a new one! I love you, hang in there, and you are right, in the end it will all be worth it! Hope the insomnia subsides for you..... :)
