So, last night and the night before, I had two more pregnancy dreams. Last night's was pretty simple and very hard to remember...all I DO remember is that I had a daughter.
The night before last, was really odd...
I was on my way to the hospital with Nicole (my sister), my mom, my brother Mike and an old friend's mom, Shannon. I don't know why, but Jim wasn't there. We were in a van and I knew we had a long way to drive.
We stopped at Shannon's house- she and I got out while everyone else left for the hospital because I wasn't pregnant anymore! But, my sister was! She ends up having a 2 lb baby girl in the dream. The dream continues with me helping Shannon with her in-home day care center. There are babies everywhere! I feel really out of control. There is this one big baby who is trying to sleep in a really small round crib but he is too big for the crib, so he keeps falling out and I still put him back in as if he should fit. Shannon asks me to go make juice for all the babies but I don't remember how to make it!
It was very bizarre...but I thought it was interesting that both pregnancy dreams, both babies were girls :) Maybe that's a sign?
I think my food cravings are going a little bipolar at times. At first, I only craved fruit and fruit only. But now, it's completely random. For example, this last weekend it was a mixture between pickles (sweet and dill) and bacon! YUM. And whenever I ate watermelon and potatoes, even though I wasn't particularly craving them, they both tasted like heaven! (not together of course) :)
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