Thursday, October 6, 2011

34 Weeks, 6 Days, 37 Days left!

Ok, so I finally got in to see the new doctor yesterday...kinda...I saw the nurse practitioner, but she and everyone in the office are just really nice-- not like the other office I was going to. The appointment was very long because I had to wait- they were waiting for my records to be faxed over but they never came in...luckily, they saw me anyways!
She examined my Puppp- which is now basically chest-toe...hands, arms, legs, feet, belly, etc etc. Luckily, my face, neck and private areas have been spared. Needless to say, she was shocked that my previous dr had prescribed me the clobetasol...and highly recommended that I stopped using thats what I've done. She said benedril should work just fine, even though it'll make me tired, and it has! The benedril actually works better than the clobetasol, lasts longer, and I don't have to worry about harming Jack.
Then it came down to getting all my past surgery information and instead of just repeating a long list of operations, I handed her a list I had written up for her-- it's easier :) Then, she asked me the most amusing question: "So, did you have a scheduled c-section planned with your previous doctor?" HAHAHAHA EXACTLY! I explained the problem I was having with the other doctor and explained further that I really just wanted a second opinion on the c-section idea...someone's opinion who would listen and examine my case/past rather than just going off of "old-fashioned" ideas. So, I meet the actual doctor next week and we'll discuss the c-section then :)

overall, I really really like this office better and even though it is late in my pregnancy, I am happy I switched :)

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