Tuesday, May 10, 2011

13 weeks, Day 4, 186 days left

Before I start on the news from the weekend, I have fantastical, wonderful, exciting news! I felt the baby move for the first time! IT was absolutely amazing…but weird. J It felt like a little flutter but it was a strong flutter—if that makes any sense. I was talking to my friend Ashley here and she gave me a suggestion- to push where I had felt the “kick” and I should be able to feel it move- like a ripple almost- a wave. So, last night, Jim and I tried that- and we felt it!! IT was amazing and shocking! I’m used to feeling it on other pregnant women’s bellies, but this is my first pregnancy- it was really weird…basically indescribable.

Baby Daddy:
So…this weekend, I went to a Fresno Grizzlies baseball game with Jim’s mom. We talked a lot but one thing that did come up was parenthood…for obvious reasons. I told her I was 100% confident Jim will be an excellent dad. Sure, I’ve seen him with other kids and how reacts and such, but I think the number one thing that made me so sure was how he is with Roxy- our vizsla/lab mix. Roxy is part of our family and we consider her our daughter. Dogs are a lot like kids—they need to be fed and taught but they also need love, support and care. When they don’t feel good, they want to be cuddled just like a sick child. Jim is amazing with Roxy and, to me that reflects a lot on how he will be to his own daughter or son.

I’m in my second trimester now! And just as the baby book I read predicted, the nauseas has decreased a ton! It’s still there every now and then so I have to continue the medication about every other day, but I love it. On the downside, I do feel more tired lately- even if I haven’t done a whole lot that day, by one or two in the evening, I’m just exhausted. Oh! I finally gained weight! I am not fluctuating between 131-132…so I’ve gained about 2-3 pounds J Yays.

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