Wednesday, September 14, 2011

31 Weeks, 5 Days, 59 Days left

So I'm almost 32 weeks...had my 31 weeks checkup today and it went horribly. I met with the actual doctor yet again and she said flat out (about the c-section): "No...your leg is no reason to go through major do realize it's major surgery?" and she didn't even wait for me to answer or say anything. She acting like I was completely retarded about my own body! I wanted to kick her in the face and tell her to shove her opinion up her...anyways! I'm switching doctors. I've decided it today- after todays appointment, I don't want to see her again, let alone have her deliver my baby! She doesn't listen to anything I have to say. It's NOT just my's my leg, hip, pelvis...everything! I am truly concerned and she doesn't give my concerns the time of day because she's too busy shoving us through her line. It's ridiculous and I'm tired of it. I may be this far along but I need to see someone who will respect me as a patient and not just a number. Even if they truly suggest a natural birth- FINE!!! But listen to me first and take an interest into my past first, not just one little aspect of my life.... So, I've been doing research this afternoon and will make a couple calls tomorrow to get this ball rolling.

On a better note, our nursery is finally almost finished- well, the painting and murals are finished- thanks to our friends!!! It's beautiful!!! I will post pics later :)

I also finish my externship this coming monday- so that will be a nice stress reliever and i can just relax til the baby comes.

My baby showers are coming up as well as my maternity pictures, courtesy of my lovely cousin Andrea. I'm soooo excited! I even bought a new dress today to wear for it today! It's such a cute dress! Oh, which reminds me of another thing that pissed me off today- (the tears and emotions have all turned to anger lately lol) Jim and I went to Khols today because we had a $10 gift card to put towards any purchase and i wanted to look at the we're checking out with this dress that I love and the cashier (who is pregnant herself, about 4 months) basically says that she hates the selection of maternity clothing at Khols and that she'll never wear anything like it...basically INSULTING the item I'm purchasing!! I know it doesn't sound like much, but she was just completely stuck-up!

Wow...okay, thats enough venting...Hope you are all having a fabulous day...I'm gonna go CHILL and watch a movie until Jim gets home for dinner :) Thanks for listening to me rant lol

Love you all!!!!

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