Tuesday, September 20, 2011

32 Weeks, 4 Days, 53 Days Left

So I am really up and down today...actually, the only time I was really "up" was when I had my ultrasound...got to see Jack :)
Here's a pic of his foot! Isn't it cute!!!?? This foot is ALWAYS kicking to the left of my belly button. I love it.
So here is the vent session that I need to get off my chest...
-I don't like gaining weight...I'm 147 lbs!!!! :( I feel huge!!!
-I have lots of ugly stretch marks even though I lather up with palmers cocoa butter everyday!!!
-A certain person (no names) is driving the hell out of me!
-I'm tired of being alone!!!
-and another thing, but I'm not gonna say it because it's a little too close to heart...

SOOOOO ANYWAYS....Jack weighs 4 lbs now...he's in 40th percentile for being 32 weeks, so thats not too bad... :) Yays for my growing boy :)

1 comment:

  1. It is really rough being pregnant, that is for sure. Try to enjoy the alone time... in a little while you will say goodbye to that for a couple of years! There is nothing like going to the bathroom while you hold a screaming baby! Or toddler...

    Hang in there and try to keep your chin up! You are still tiny! Look around at other people who have had babies.. it is just what happens to your body. It is the price we all pay. The stretch marks will fade and after a while, you really won't give them a second thought!

    Can't wait to see you in San Diego!
