Thursday, May 19, 2011

2 Years

Hey everyone,
so today is May 19, 2011. It is two years to the day that I had my total hip replacement. I can't believe it's already been two years, yet at the same time, it feels a lot longer than that. I was in a completely different life practically than I am now- feel like a different person almost and I don't know how I feel about that one.
I remember having the conversation with my orthopedic surgeon Jan 2009 about doing the hip of my biggest concerns was- would I be able to have children. He said it wouldn't be a problem because of the type of replacement he was putting in...i never thought in a million years that in two years time that i would be pregnant with my first kid!
I know the female body changes drastically when she's pregnant, but I guess I'm not sure how the hips change, if at all. So far, my hip hasn't given me any problems, even though I have gained "weight". I have a significant baby bump going on, but I haven't gained any actual weight...I've actually lost two pounds. My hip has been my most struggling surgery yet- both emotionally and physically. I know it's hard to believe because i've had my leg and arm lengthened, but...I dont' remember those surgeries so it's hard to count those.
I'm so afraid that this delivery that's coming up in November, six months from now, that something will happen to my hip and I absolutely don't even want to take the chance...I have my third doctors appointment this coming Monday and i'm going to bring her an x-ray of my hip and discuss with her my concerns and suggest a c-section. I understand that natural labor is better or whatnot, i dont care. Yes, I care about the baby, but I have to take care of myself also because with my hip working perfectly afterward, it is going to be really difficult to take care of myself and a newborn and I can't deal with that.
I'm feeling very overwhelmed lately....

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

13 weeks, Day 4, 186 days left

Before I start on the news from the weekend, I have fantastical, wonderful, exciting news! I felt the baby move for the first time! IT was absolutely amazing…but weird. J It felt like a little flutter but it was a strong flutter—if that makes any sense. I was talking to my friend Ashley here and she gave me a suggestion- to push where I had felt the “kick” and I should be able to feel it move- like a ripple almost- a wave. So, last night, Jim and I tried that- and we felt it!! IT was amazing and shocking! I’m used to feeling it on other pregnant women’s bellies, but this is my first pregnancy- it was really weird…basically indescribable.

Baby Daddy:
So…this weekend, I went to a Fresno Grizzlies baseball game with Jim’s mom. We talked a lot but one thing that did come up was parenthood…for obvious reasons. I told her I was 100% confident Jim will be an excellent dad. Sure, I’ve seen him with other kids and how reacts and such, but I think the number one thing that made me so sure was how he is with Roxy- our vizsla/lab mix. Roxy is part of our family and we consider her our daughter. Dogs are a lot like kids—they need to be fed and taught but they also need love, support and care. When they don’t feel good, they want to be cuddled just like a sick child. Jim is amazing with Roxy and, to me that reflects a lot on how he will be to his own daughter or son.

I’m in my second trimester now! And just as the baby book I read predicted, the nauseas has decreased a ton! It’s still there every now and then so I have to continue the medication about every other day, but I love it. On the downside, I do feel more tired lately- even if I haven’t done a whole lot that day, by one or two in the evening, I’m just exhausted. Oh! I finally gained weight! I am not fluctuating between 131-132…so I’ve gained about 2-3 pounds J Yays.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Week 12, Day 3

(Just so you know, I'm gonna post the dates that I originally started with because I can't change my calender on my phone to match what I doesn't really matter anyways I guess. )

So, last night and the night before, I had two more pregnancy dreams. Last night's was pretty simple and very hard to remember...all I DO remember is that I had a daughter.
The night before last, was really odd...
I was on my way to the hospital with Nicole (my sister), my mom, my brother Mike and an old friend's mom, Shannon. I don't know why, but Jim wasn't there. We were in a van and I knew we had a long way to drive.
We stopped at Shannon's house- she and I got out while everyone else left for the hospital because I wasn't pregnant anymore! But, my sister was! She ends up having a 2 lb baby girl in the dream. The dream continues with me helping Shannon with her in-home day care center. There are babies everywhere! I feel really out of control. There is this one big baby who is trying to sleep in a really small round crib but he is too big for the crib, so he keeps falling out and I still put him back in as if he should fit. Shannon asks me to go make juice for all the babies but I don't remember how to make it!
It was very bizarre...but I thought it was interesting that both pregnancy dreams, both babies were girls :) Maybe that's a sign?

I think my food cravings are going a little bipolar at times. At first, I only craved fruit and fruit only. But now, it's completely random. For example, this last weekend it was a mixture between pickles (sweet and dill) and bacon! YUM. And whenever I ate watermelon and potatoes, even though I wasn't particularly craving them, they both tasted like heaven! (not together of course) :)