Friday, April 22, 2011

Week 9, Day 5

Today was our first ultrasound!
We learned several things:
1. found out the baby is only 9 weeks rather than 10, so that would explain why I randomly changed the date in the title to an earlier date than the other blogs.
2. There is only one in there= YAY!!!! haha
3. Our baby is very active. The whole time he/she was bouncing around, jumping, waving, just happy as a little clam. :) haha
4. According to our physician's assistant, our baby looks like a frog :) haha

It was completely amazing looking at our baby! I've seen an ultrasound before, but it's completely, 100% different when it's your own! I was just in shock and wonder! After she had measured it and done all the pictures, she let us watch it for a little bit and that's when we saw it move so much-- I started to cry because he/she was so amazing. I have that little amazing being living and growing inside of me! He/She depends on me for their survival- more so than when it will be out of the womb...I don't know if that made sense, but it makes sense in my head. :)

Overall, it was just an amazing morning- I couldn't stop thinking about him/her all day long. I wish I could feel the movement-- but it's too soon for that.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Week 10, Day 5, 206 Days Left

The bump:

Well, the belly seems bigger everyday but I’m sure that’s my imagination- possibly- who knows. I haven’t actually started measuring it and I’m not sure that’s something I even want to do yet.


Usually weight is a touchy subject for women but when you’re pregnant, who cares, right? Well, I think before I got prego, I was around 129, 130…I’ll admit it. J Since then, the past 6-7 weeks, my weight has fluctuated a bit but it always seems to return to 129, which I’m happy about because I don’t want to gain too much during the first trimester. I heard it’s best if you don’t.

Pregnancy in Heels:

Does anyone else watch this show?? I absolutely love it- it’s entertaining and makes me really glad I’m not as superficial as some of these women on this show. (It’s on Tuesday nights on Bravo if you’re interested). Anyways, there was this woman on last night’s episode who (supposedly) weighted around 100 lbs before she got pregnant and at the time of the show, she was in her ninth month and she weighed 180 lbs!!!! That means she gained 80 lbs during her pregnancy! And, she’s not really tall, she’s probably my height- around 5’2”, if not shorter, which means she should have only gained between 25-30 pounds, not 80. How does this happen? She was in total junk-food-crazy denial! Even though I’ve been occasionally craving those yummy fluffy white mini marshmallows, this will NOT HAPPEN TO ME!!! J

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

9 Weeks, 5 Days 213 Days Left


Dreams are so important for self discovery at any age. I’m not talking about physical hopes and dreams one longs for the future, but the actual visions we conjure up while we sleep. These dreams, if we’re lucky enough to remember them, present us a keyhole to peep through a locked door into our soul, revealing our thoughts, fears and emotions we normally couldn’t express during consciousness. Some dream themes are so common amongst a lot of people because a lot of us have the same fears and/or fantasies rolling around upstairs: naked dreams, chase dreams, teeth dreams, flying dreams, falling dreams, and test dreams. Fear is a normal part of the human psyche, whether a person is willing to admit their fears or not. And just as your life is changing constantly, so do your fears, and most likely, your dreams.

My life has been changing a lot lately (I’m not going to state the obvious), so when I starting having pregnancy dreams, I wasn’t surprised. One night a couple of weeks ago, I had two pregnancy dreams. The first one, a friend of mine (not naming names because it’s not important) got really mad at me for one reason or another and kicked me in the stomach until I miscarried. It was quite disturbing but not really a fear of mine, for I know that person is happy for me and she’s not even a violent person! The second dream I had that night was more frightening because it “could happen”…I had twins. This is a legitimate fear of mine and thanks to my wonderful friends and family who love to tease me, so now I have a fear of having twins. Now, I seriously don’t believe that I’m having twins, but it’s still a possibility. By the way, the twins in the dream were both girls.

Last night, I was reading a new book my friend Krystle got me for my birthday called The Pregnancy Bible. In this fabulous book, there is a section on dreams, which inspired me to write on this topic. In this section, they gave a list of common pregnancy dreams so I thought I’d share them:

-The pregnancy isn't real and that you will give birth to nothing, or simply deflate.

-You give birth to a baby animal, or even some mundane household object.

-Your baby is damaged or deformed in some way.

One solution the book suggests for getting rid of these types of nightmares is thinking positively rather than worrying- especially right before you go to sleep. Think about cradling your baby, cuddling and loving it rather than something going wrong with it. I think its good advice so we’ll see how that goes. I’m curious to see what other dreams my unconsciousness will conjure up in the next seven months!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Week 9, Day 4.....214 Days Left

It's amazing how fast your life can change just by peeing on a stick...well, not literally of course, but finding out that way...Six weeks ago, I was shocked, upset, and angry that the little positive sign showed up rather than a negative. I think I expressed every emotion except happiness, excitement and joy- the feelings you're supposed to have when you're expecting. But, that's what happens when pregnancy was the last thing you wanted.
Needless to say, my thoughts and emotions have changed drastically...partly because of my wonderful boyfriend, Jim. He had the same reaction as I did- angry and upset- not at me of course- but at the situation. But we had a decision to make-- we could either be happy or be upset--make this a positive "situation" or a negative one. Why not turn it into a positive? So, that's what we did!
Now, Jim is probably more excited than I am to be a daddy, mainly because I'm still in my first trimester and am having pains, aches, nausea, and extremely moody.
This is our first baby- we have no clue what we're doing but we are learning together- one thing I'm happy about it- this happened with the right person- (which he says the same thing about me). We are each others' best friend and love each other more than anything- why not share that with someone we both created?

So, I'm 9 weeks (according to my last period). Jim thinks I'm farther along because I'm already showing pretty well and I'm showing all the signs and symptoms of someone who is 12-13 weeks along...BUT...we won't know officially until our first ultrasound, which is one April 22-- a week and a half from now. We are very excited about that appointment because we'll get to see what the little guy/gal looks like!

The belly- so, like I said, I'm definitely showing. I hate wearing my jeans so I bought my first pair of maternity pants today because 1- I'll need them eventually and 2- They're uber comfortable, so why not?! :) My belly button is uber strange...I usually have a semi-deep belly button but it's not as deep, which is kinda cool. I'm using that Palmers Stretch Mark lotion everyday to prevent stretch marks- I'm hoping that will work.

Cravings- I don't know what the superstition says about relating certain food cravings with determining the sex of the baby, but I am definitely craving fruit...all the time! I can't get enough of it. Greasy, meaty foods gross me out (except bacon).

Names- So, I'm not disclosing any information yet but we pretty much decided early on what our "girl name" would that wasn't an was the 'boy name" that was a pain! Jim and I both kept blanking on boy names and we didn't like anything that we saw online. The problem with figuring out names is Jim's last name-- it's we didn't want a common and or traditional first name. Since we had already decided a girl name, we were excited to have a baby girl...but I wanted to be excited about having a boy also-- having a name ready (I think) bring its more we finally decided on a boy name today! It's really adorable, but still a name that will fit an adult-- which is important.